Best Tool to start generating sales and leads online “Email Marketing’’

3 min readApr 10, 2021

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is when you send a commercial email message to your ‘email subscribers’ — contacts who have signed up to your email list and given express permission to receive email communications from you.

Email marketing is used to inform, drive sales, and build a community around your brand (e.g. with a newsletter).

Modern email marketing has moved away from one-size-fits-all mass mailings and instead focuses on consent, segmentation, and personalization.

The Benefits of Email Marketing

From order confirmations to newsletters, emails are an essential aspect of the growth and management of your business.

Email marketing will help fulfill 3 key objectives:

1. Conversions (selling your products and services)

Launching a sale or promotion? You can send an email marketing campaign to your subscribers to drive sales.

Other email marketing techniques known to increase conversion rates include:

  • Emailing a discount or special offer (birthday/anniversary emails, welcome emails, reengagement emails)
  • Abandoned cart emails (triggered whenever a visitor abandons a cart at your online store)

2. Brand awareness

What’s great about email is that it lets you reach someone directly. It’s one-to-one communication at its best. And besides, people don’t just let anyone into their inbox these days. It’s a curated space reserved for favorite brands and publications.

Showing up in someone’s email inbox will help your brand stay top of mind. A personalized marketing email is more impactful than a social media post where you can’t be sure if someone has actually seen your message.

One of the major benefits of email marketing is its scalability. This means that emails can be sent to a large number of recipients for a relatively low cost (compared to other marketing channels).

3. Customer loyalty

Email drives customer loyalty at every stage of the buyer journey: lead-nurturing, conversion, onboarding, retention.

It’s a powerful tool for building a community, as discussed at length in our guide to building relationships with email.

You can create newsletter content so good that subscribers will be waiting for it to arrive each week. Keep reading and we’ll tell you how.

Get more details on email marketing benefits in this video from the Sendinblue Academy:

How to start email marketing: what do I need?

Keeping it simple, there’s two main things you need to run email marketing campaigns.

1. Email marketing software

As we’ve just explained, a dedicated email marketing provider is the way to go. Sending marketing emails through an ISP will only put your brand and email sender reputation at risk.

2. An email list :This list contains the email addresses of interested subscribers who have opted-in to receive email communications from you.

Yes, that’s right — opt-in. Because here’s the thing about email contacts:

Everyone on that email list needs to have given their express permission to be there.

What does that mean?

It means they agreed to receive emails from you when they entered their email address into an email signup form on your blog, website, landing pages, social media, or anywhere else. In email terms, this process is referred to as ‘opting in’ (‘opting out’ would be an unsubscribe).

Permission-based marketing is essential to conform with data protection laws and safeguard the integrity of your brand. After all, nobody likes a spammer.

Still with us up until now? Great, because here’s where it gets exciting — learning how to launch an email marketing strategy, starting with your first email campaign.


